How many birthdays have you had?

Tue, October 31, 2017 9:33 AM | Anonymous member
Kerr County Outfitter David Bonam had the privilege of leading a Cross Trail Outfitters youth hunt this weekend at the beautiful 9,800 acre Plomero Ranch in South Texas.

We had 8 young men on the Outing, with 4 first-time CTO participants and 3 first-time Adult leaders. The event was a true God-ordained success. The deer weren't very cooperative, but the ranch hosts were outstanding, the weather was perfect, the fishing was great, the fellowship was awesome and God got the glory!Thank you to the landowners and volunteers for all that you did in serving these youth the entire weekend. 

We asked the boys the question, "How many birthdays have you had?" Then we looked at John 3 where Jesus told Nicodemus, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you are born of water AND the Spirit you will not enter the Kingdom of God." 2 from our earthly parents and the second by the Father, through the Son and from the Holy Spirit. 6, count em, 6 young men responded to the Holy Spirit's call for salvation! How about that? Ain't God good?!

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